Update news EU


 Vietnamese farmers taken in by Chinese partners; VN, EU resolved to conclude FTA talks this year; Highway expansion hits a rocky slope; Economic outlook still ‘modest,' says Maersk report; PJICO compensates riot-hit Chutex

Eurosceptic 'earthquake' rocks EU elections

 Eurosceptic and far-right parties have seized ground in elections to the European parliament, in what France's PM called a "political earthquake".

EU speaks about tensions in East Sea

 VietNamNet Bridge – The European Union (EU) encourages good faith participation by Vietnam and China in dialogues to resolve the East Sea issue.

Social News Headlines 22/4

Normal service resumed at border gate after shooting; Officials exhorted to walk in public's shoes; Minister issues warning on overloaded vehicles; VN pushes for forest law pact with EU; Photobook assists sight-impaired kids

EU launches flagship Sentinel satellite project to monitor Earth

A Soyuz rocket has launched from French Guiana with the first satellite in the European Union's new multi-billion-euro Earth-observation programme.


 Few provincial decisions on investment incentives get beyond limits; Small disbursements of low-cost home loans; Cashew needs new answers; New agriculture stimulus discussed; Lax firms suffer as their brands are duplicated

EU accelerates FTA negotiations with Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge – The European Union is speeding up negotiations of a free trade agreement (FTA) with Vietnam due to be signed in late 2014. 

Political News Headlines 26/3

 Vietnam, EU hold third political consultation; Viet Nam sends condolences to Malaysia; Foreign Minister receives Japanese Ambassador; Vietnam hails int’l efforts on 1993 Vienna Declaration implementation

EU Trade Commissioner visits Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – EU Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht is scheduled to arrive in Vietnam on March 17 as part of his Southeast Asian tour to strengthen trade cooperation with these countries.

EVFTA: challenges for Vietnam lie in non-tariff barriers

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam has been told not to be too worried about the competition with the EU sourced products in the home market once the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is signed.

EU FMs mull "targeted measures" against Russia due to Ukraine crisis

 The European Union (EU) mulled "targeted measures" against Russia due to the situation in Ukraine, said EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Monday.


 Firm accused of tax evasion, titanium smuggling; MoF increases petrol, diesel prices; Work starts on $66.6m wood production line; Consumer confidence marks two-year high: market survey; EU tops list of Viet Nam trade partners

EU joins fight to stop illegal logging

VietNamNet Bridge – Three projects funded by the European Union to help Viet Nam and neighbouring countries combat illegal logging were launched in Ha Noi yesterday, Feb 18.


 SCIC to promote divestment at SOEs; McDonald’s president surveys Vietnam market in person; Vingroup selects new CEO; Bad debt among the biggest monetary challenges of 2014; Australia sends first buffalo shipment to Vietnam

Ukraine crisis: Opposition MPs seek to curb president's powers

 Ukraine's opposition MPs are expected to push for laws that will reduce the power of the president, as parliament begins a new term on Tuesday.

EU air pollution target 'still too high' for heart health

 A study confirming a link between atmospheric pollution and heart-attack risk strengthens the EU case for tougher clean-air targets, experts say.


Firms invest in information security; PVN posts $29.85b in turnover; Russian SMEs contemplate Vietnam expansions; Agriculture sector anticipates RoK opportunities; Businesses still hindered by tax issues

EU may ease visa policies for Vietnamese tourists

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese people may have a better chance to visit European countries, as the union is considering relaxing tourist and business visa policies for Vietnam.  

Vietnam, EU boost tourism cooperation

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam and the European Union will hold regular dialogue and exchange information on tourism to ensure its sustainable development and competitiveness in both sides.

EU looks to sign FTA with VN by late 2014

The European Union (EU) hopes to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with Viet Nam as early as by late 2014, said European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani.