North-South trains

Update news North-South trains

Quiet trains during COVID-19 pandemic

The North-South trains are currently the most optimal means for many passengers when they need to travel in the context of coaches and taxis are not operating and the aircraft is operating only in limited time slot.

North-south trains to move faster by 2020

VietNamNet Bridge – Hefty investments will be channeled into the upgrade of the north-south railway to allow passenger trains to run at an average speed of 80-90 kilometers per hour and freight trains at 50-60 kilometers per hour by 2020.

Free wifi on north-south trains

 Passengers on SE trains plying the north-south route can stay connected to the Internet late this month when the Vietnam Railway Corporation launches free wifi.

Travel time for North-South passenger trains to change from September

 VietNamNet Bridge – The Vietnam Railway Corporation has announced a change in the travel time on the Hanoi-HCM City route from September 4.